Don't Forget to Fall Back!

Hope you had a safe and fun Halloween, with plenty of ghosts, ghouls and candy. Enough candy to donate some to our troops or the dentist office close by. My family did what we always do, you get to eat as much as you’d like on Halloween. You get some for breakfast on the following day, and then it’s gone. It does not matter how many pounds you collected on your run around the neighborhood, these are the rules. It has proven to work pretty well over the years.

But now it’s November. Did you hear me? It’s November, and that is way scarier than Halloween. It means I have approximately two weeks to come up with a plan for Thanksgiving and about seven weeks until Christmas. Oh, yes… that’s scary, unless you don’t celebrate these things and you are off the hook. Tick-tock, tick-tock. The holidays are coming, and the stress is creeping and crawling.

The weather totally took a turn as we started November, and suddenly it’s cold and dark and even if it’s not raining it just feels wet. I knew this would happen so Sunday afternoon, right before dusk. I grabbed my garden shears and trimmed the peonies, pruned my hydrangeas and raspberries, and pulled those over grown lavenders that got an extra summer just because I didn’t have it in me to replace them quite yet. I planted 50 daffodil bulbs for the spring as those are one of the few spring bulbs that the bunnies leave alone. And voila, my front yard is ready for the winter. If you haven’t, now is a great time to winterize your yard!

I’m purposefully refraining from talking about anything real estate related, as I just sent out my newsletter this morning, the stats for October will be coming in in a few days, and well, I don’t want to be boring. Boring? Well, I do understand that most people are not quite as interested in real estate as I am, and even those who declare them self as being into real estate, don’t care about the stats quite as much as I do. So, I’m blubbering about Halloween, and my front yard, and all sorts of random stuff.

On Sunday the evenings will get darker as the Daylight Saving Time ends, and we’ll fall back. So don’t panic when you sleep in on Sunday, it’s not 9 AM yet, it’s only 8 AM, and you’re fine… yes, this one was for all the other parents of young children. We are lucky if we get to sleep till 7 AM on Sunday. I still remember quite vividly the times when a good day was the one that did not start before 5 AM.

Have a great weekend! I will be touring homes with clients. I will be going to birthday parties with my children, and I will enjoy the weekend – rain or shine. Well, this morning I woke up in winter wonderland and snow falling softly outside of my bedroom window. 
