Another Week in Life

Martha was teaching with me today! 

I cannot believe that it’s Friday again and another week has flown by. Last weekend was crazy in an awesome way with several clients, friends over for dinner and a belt test for the Karate Kid. It was awesome but also exhausting as both of us parents were working from the crack of dawn until the sun had set hours ago, and when our friends arrived on Saturday night the only thing I had ready, was a bottle of wine. I bet we all have been there, whether it was due to work or kids sports.

By Wednesday afternoon I had two homes under contract and two sets of amazing families on their way to home-ownership. That really is the best thank you one can get! The belt test, we’ll find out about that tomorrow and if all goes well the Karate Kid will be one step closer to that black belt, he’s hoping to achieve one day.

The week has been busy with work, kids and life and as a cherry on top of this beautiful cake, this morning I got to do one of my favorite things and teach a class on social media. My first degree was one of an educator, and even though life has taken me on a very different path, I still enjoy teaching. When it comes to social media, for me teaching a class like this is merely preaching my own practice, reminding other brokers that in order to succeed one would have to be exposed, personable and a tad fun maybe too. I mean, who doesn’t like cat videos? I’m blessed with Maeve and the ability to create my own funny cat videos on daily basis if needed.

Maeve now knows how to use a touch screen. She also knows how to type and how to delete the thing that I'm working on. 

On Thursday everything was finally in order, the contracts in escrow, earnest monies delivered, and loan applications filed. I had time for myself and more importantly for Miss Martha. After sending the kids off, I pulled on my wellies and hit the trail with the pup. Later, I stared at the pile of laundry but instead of tackling it, I threw myself on the couch and watched some TV with my lunch and when the crew got home from school, we drove to Bellevue Square as they had some money burning their pockets. When I take some time for myself, it often feels like I’m slacking, and that there would be more pressing things to do, like the website, and social media posts. I try to shake that feeling off as most weeks, Thursday is the only day when I can do whatever I want, at least for an hour or two.

Me time with Martha. Hard to tell who was enjoying it more. I did refrain myself from taking a dip though. 

It is Friday afternoon. I cannot believe it’s Friday again. Pizza night. Every Friday is a pizza night at my house as it’s always been that way. There are weeks when it means Mod but mostly it’s homemade goodness and a movie. Maybe a scoop of ice cream and a beer on the side. Looking ahead to another busy weekend with excitement! Wishing you too a happy Friday and a great weekend whether you’ll be working like us or spending it with your family. Enjoy!
