Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

Oh my gosh, it’s been two years and my training wheels are off. I have renewed my license for the first time and completed hundreds of hours of additional training. Exactly two years ago, I completed my licensing exam, passed and signed my contract with Coldwell Banker Bain. I still remember vividly the sounds and smells of that exam room, how the computer fans were working and others around me were writing on their scratch paper.

It has been an amazing two years and I’m looking forward to many more to come. I have received awards and my desk is now filled with reviews and thank you notes from happy clients. I have reached the point to get to coach younger brokers and teach classes at my office and I greatly enjoy sharing the knowledge that was once trusted in me.

I still get the jitters when I submit an offer for my clients, and I hope that’ll never go away. I feel the excitement on closing day and I high five myself in my mind when I know I have negotiated something that will benefit my clients and save a sale that had the potential of going sideways. There are many things I have now seen and done, and several that I have yet to experience. Every sale is different. Every client is different, and every home is different. Every client teaches me something and no day is like the one before. All clichés, but equally so very true.

There is pride in being a Coldwell Banker Bain broker. There is pride in the numbers we have to offer and pride in being part of an international brand but more than anything else I have pride in myself and I find great joy in the fact that I have finally found “my thing”.  - Hey, it only took 47 years.
