Meet Me on YouTube!

It’s been quiet around here, hasn’t it? I apologize. It’s been quiet because I’ve had a hard time deciding on what to write about, should it be home maintenance tips and tricks? You know talk about gutter cleaning and roof maintenance or how and when to flush your water heater… bet you didn’t know your water heater needs to be flushed – ha! – well, most people don’t or even if they do know about it, they don’t do it. Or should I talk about how to list your home? That’s easy, call me! No, I mean how to get your home ready, how to pick paint colors or declutter or discuss whether that carpet really needs to be updated. Well before you do anything, call me, or talk to your broker as just last week I saved someone quite a bit of time and money telling them their carpet was just fine but the paint, the bright green had to go. Don’t get me wrong, grass green is a beautiful color, but it may distract your potential buyer a bit though.

So, what would you want to learn about? Is it home maintenance inside the home? Home maintenance on the outside of your home? Do you want to learn about how to get your home ready for sale or the process of listing itself? Maybe you want to learn about lending? Or how about the most money worth upgrades? I mean, it is your home and you can do whatever you want with it, but it may be helpful to know whether complete kitchen remodel or hardwoods are a smarter solution? So how about you tell me what you want to know about, and I promise to write about it!

It’s been quiet around here because I’m seriously working on starting my own YouTube Channel. I know just go on YouTube and get started… easy peasy or not so much. Going Facebook live is somewhat easy after you get over the initial stage fright but a whole channel filled with videos of yourself talking. Not. Easy. Takes some planning, and equipment and something that I haven’t had recently, time. Time without constant distractions. Time to film and refilm and third, fourth and fifth take too. I’ve been studying vloggers, meaning watching them. I have tried to figure out where to sit and how to talk, to avoid being boring or talking too fast or… Not easy. I’ve done research on how long the video should be and watched countless videos on how to. Now what’s left is the plunge. 
