Twitter, twitter on the phone...

As I once used to major in education I’ll have to admit that I still enjoy teaching whether it’s an outdoor education class at my kids’ school talking about water Ph levels and stream life, safety and first-aid skills for Girl Scouts or social media marketing at my office. I like teaching. Kids and grownups alike. I like the interaction and trying to deliver a message tangible enough for everyone to be able to benefit from.

Last Friday I was talking about marketing in front of ten or eleven brokers hoping to learn something new, benefit from what I have found useful and working for me. I hate talking into a microphone in front of a ballroom full of people, but I have no problem doing the same in a smaller setting. Compared to many, I’m tech savvy. Compared to many, I’m most certainly not. I would call myself social media savvy rather than tech savvy. When my computer does something funky I call hubs to help and when the iPhone stops obeying my commands I go to the Apple store. I have no idea on how to pair my Apple watch with my work phone instead my personal phone, but I do know how to utilize Facebook algorithms or Instagram as marketing platforms.

With real estate brokers some are in tune of social media and its advantages and many are not. In fact, I recently got a comment on one of my Instagram posts stating that it was refreshing to see a broker that wasn’t in the flintstone era, meaning someone who was on social media and using it in a way that didn’t seem awkward. It was a picture of Martha, my dog, not a house, not an ad not anything real estate related.  

At these trainings my goal is not to get everyone up to speed, Tweeting and Instagramming left and right. The goal is to make social media less scary and more approachable, meaning that there are brokers out there that do not know the difference between Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, let alone how to use those three platforms to make yourself more approachable. This is not about selling houses, this is about selling yourself as a professional. No one wants to see endless marketing reports or pictures of homes that are for sale, well other brokers maybe or maybe someone whom is in the market to buy a home. Social media marketing is about the person behind the homes, relationships and relationship building.

I’m a tad crazy. I am. You know, overboard. Overachiever. Starting my mornings reading articles and sharing them on different platforms, sharing my pictures, tweeting and pinning stuff on my Pinterest boards. For me it’s about 30 minutes every day, a way to start my morning. I do this all because I want you to be able to get to know me a bit before we meet. I do it, because I know it makes you feel more comfortable about reaching out to me and I do it because it’s whi I am and it’s fun.
