You wanna talk about the market? Well, I didn’t think so… I’ve been talking about the market for weeks, fighting the press like a little Don Quixote and I don’t want to talk about the market either. I'd way rather talk about the perfect weather, the little lost duck in front of my office this morning or fall foliage. It’s been a crazy week busy with work, busy with three kids, busy with PTSA, busy with life. I have had someone point out that I approach real estate like it was a full-time job – I’ll let you in on a secret, it is a full-time job for me. This week I have had a home sold before my clients were able to view it, lost in a multiple offer combat, seen a $1.7 million home sell in two days and had to reduce price on a listing. I really don't have anything smart to say today.

We are rapidly approaching the end of September, meaning my three children have supposedly been going to school for almost four weeks now. I’m sure there’s someone out there who’s children have attended school every day but mine for sure have not. Almost four weeks means potentially eighteen kid free work days, so far I’ve had seven. We’ve started the school year with surgeries, injuries and colds. No, not whining, just remembering once again why that office job with an eight to five schedule didn’t work for us. It didn’t work for us because with three kid the likelihood of someone being unwell seems to be just about 30% every single morning. I have yet to find out whom will potentially be unable to go to school today. These past weeks I have lost my cool more often that I would have wanted to.

On Monday I will leave for 5th Grade camp for three days. I’m super excited to go with these kids, even if I have a lingering feeling that I will be sitting in that “nice couch room” the teachers told us about for more than intended because things tend to happen when I leave the town. There are times when I would like to just leave, go on a vacation, take some time off but my work – the full time one – doesn’t work that way. I have saved sales in 7,156 feet on a mountain top, written offers in a movie theater, in a car, on a school bus. I have answered phone calls in the woods looking for signal, I am always at work, at least a little bit and I love it. There are no Saturday and Sundays for me, but there still is Friday night.

It’s seven a clock in the morning and so far, I have sent out a few emails, prepped for my open houses hosted by my fabulous colleagues, planned a tour with a client for tomorrow, fine tuned a listing presentation, practiced my lines for a PTSA fundraiser kick-off later today and written a blog post. I have another hour to enjoy a cup of coffee, read the papers, post articles on Facebook, Linked-In and Twitter – yes, I’m tweeting. At the same time my brain is planning Halloween décor for our house, packing for the three-day camping trip and getting ready for the day filled with meetings, trainings and PTSA stuff.

It’s Friday and I savor my Friday nights as family time. I tend to decline Friday night invitations, meetings and events for this reason as I consider my Fridays sacred. These evenings are my time to pour a glass of wine, knead a pizza dough, talk about everyone’s week and be together with the most important people in my life.
