
I had a really cool idea about what to write. My plan was to take pictures of all those cute and different looking mailboxes, you know the ones painted pink, or like a giraffe, or the one outside of a church looking exactly like the church building. Some of them are fascinating just by their pure age. They have been through a lot, and have reached the point where they are all rusty and crumpled, but they still do their job. Ours therefore is boring. Utterly boring so to say. It’s one of those bigger ones, the kind that the entire neighborhood gets their mail from. I think it holds the mail for maybe twenty of our closest neighbors. It has an outgoing mail slot, and a bigger and a smaller package door. It is painted beige, and the most interesting thing about it is the dried bird poop on the top.

So, what happened to this idea? Why am I not filling my Instagram with teaser pictures, and the blog with the cutest mailboxes available? Well, because of the creepy factor. I was approaching my first candidate in my car, with my side window rolled down as I realized what it must look like if the owner happened to look out of their window. Just think about it, a strange lady in their car, taking pictures of mailboxes. If that isn’t creepy, then what is? So. I didn’t take pictures. I pulled my window back up, and went my way as I’d rather not get arrested and find myself trying to explain to Redmond police department that I just wanted to take pictures, not steal anyone’s mail.

Keep your eyes open when driving around though as there are some incredibly cute and creative mailboxes out there. So here you go, our boring mailbox.
